Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Single by choice!

I just want to preface it all with saying I personally believe you're single until you're married.....

So, I had a guy tell me today that a female is never single by choice, and that I was single because I was "too smart". This was his response to me saying I was single by choice.

Do guys really think this way?

I was in back to back LTRs. One was 4 yrs, the other a yr. I wanted to enjoy my mid 20s for a bit without being in a monogamous relationship. I was sick of not being able to date people or take numbers of people I found attractive on multiple levels because I was with someone. So, I took a formal year off of relationships, that was my new years resolution and I stuck with it all of 2007. I really loved it, and extended it lol But, I haven't put date parameters on it this time. Now I'm in more of a if I meet a guy who is sooo wonderful, I find myself not wanting to see/date the other guys I like/see, then I know it's time to be in a relationship, but until I have that feeling, what's the point?


The Black Kat said...

Um... wth @ that statement. Like... you can only be w/ a guy when the guy deems you ready enough to be in a relationship w/ him; soley on his own accord. Dafukkouttahere w/ that mess. Honey... you could have been in PLENTY of relationships by now. It's YOU who wasn't tryin' to deal w/ ANYONE you didn't deem worthy of the title. And those who had "potential" ...obviously lost the potential they had, as you never chose to boo up them jokers on that level.

Um... you're single cause you wanted to be single. Happy single vs. unhappily involved (for the sake of saying you're in a relationship at any costs, sake) ANYDAY! And while it may be true that at times we like someone who might not prove (in the end) to be worthy of that like, or like us back... that's simply life. You can't always get what you want.

I know PLENTY of females that are MISERABLE but in a relationship just because they want to be in a relationship at any cost. Cheatings, beatings, disrespect, you name it. But uh... ----> NEXT!

A sassy bit of sunshine said...

Gyrlll he had me too hot!! Shoot I could've been married now to more than 1 man! I was just like wow this is unreal and you're CLUELESS!

Anonymous said...
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Perfect Imperfection said...

Duds can be ridiculous sometimes...esp with that crap that spew from their mouths...your single b/c your "smart" ...whatever...sounds to me that you are single b/c you haven't met the right guy....

I love that alot of us sisters are no longer just settling for mr. anybody versus patiently waiting for mr. THE guy...or hell at least someone with the potential to be the guy. Keep doing what you are doing and I'm sure God will bless you with someone who can meet ur standards..most def not that dude that said that comment to you :)

Really like the site..Katrina is tryna get me to convert full fledge to blogger so I'm trying to visit a few of the people she frequents. I fig u a friend of Kat you are most def cool peoples!! :)

Perfect Imperfection said...

oh yea..its Dudes at the beginning..I can :)

thecooler said...

This is one of those things we talked about....typical, and unfortunate, example of a guy just not "getting it". There is a difference between what we as guys want to believe and what is really going on. Often, we dont listen up to determine which is which....The whole notion of being too smart is an insult both to you and to if we all want, what, stupid women?