Monday, August 11, 2008


Sooooooo guess who I hung out with this weekend? HTO!!!! ;-) Had a great time, experienced a TOTALLY new experience lol (yea sis I was hilarious to watch lololol), and talked with him for about 2 hours with not one single lull in the convo. I'm a talker but that was a new one even for me! I can't even talk to my BFF for an hour with no lulls or pauses. But, yea he's still as awesome as he was before. So we shall see where this goes....


Barbie* said...

you know i suffer from ADD, is HTO who I think it is???

Barbie* said...

soooooo what did you guys talk about?

when are you going out again???

Jeff Beckham Jr. said...

who the heck is HTO..

The Black Kat said...

who is HTO?! lmao! just kidding. yaay for HTO, tho. and you KNOW i was rollin' at that totally new experience! *snickers to self* we MUST do the dayum thing in H-town!!

anyhoo... yes, we'll see where this goes...