Monday, August 25, 2008


Hung out with HTO this past weekend...good feelings!! =) The more I'm around him or I hang out with him, the more soldified my "like" is for him. That's def a good sign!!! =) Plus, I no longer have to go through my seesaw of emotions about is he or is he not interested, I def know he's digging me ;-) So I'll probably talk about him less, because I don't want to jinx it. But of course major developments I will share!


The Black Kat said...

Team HTO in the house! I straight up LOVE the way that man makes you feel when you're with him (and even when you're not). You will share ALL of the events w/ the kid. You can slide on the blogisphere is you'd like, but not me. =o) Plus... you can't jinx fate. HTO!

Barbie* said...

I need to start subscribing to news feeds... I keep missing entries because I sit around waiting for you to tell me.........

YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so happy for you :-) You are literally sitting on a gold mine at the moment, hopefully he won't disappoint by actin up