Sunday, December 4, 2011

Trust Issues?

I was having a convo with my guy today about a friend's guy having photos of other females in his cell phone and how I felt that was disrespectful. Some how the convo evolved to him chuckling and saying that I have trust issues. I had to pause and ask him to elaborate so I'd know exactly what he meant by that. The more we talked, the more I contemplated in what ways do I trust him 100% and in what ways am I still working on getting to 100%. It ended up boiling down to I trust him with my life, heart, and well being, but I am not exactly 100% trusting of him when it comes to electronic communication.

If someone random called and told me he was having sex, dating, kissing someone else, I'd laugh and tell them no he's not then hang up the phone. I wouldn't even call him to ask if it was true, because I trust him 100% when it comes to those things. Now, if someone called me and told me that they were flirting by text/email/fb message, I would listen, and then immediately call him and ask him. I wouldn't be able to hear it chuckle and know it wasn't true, a part of me would wonder. I had to ask myself is this enough for me to be labeled as a person who has trust issues?

PS - Don't worry we're still rock solid lol We just have really open and honest conversations about our thoughts, feelings, etc about our relationship and different scenarios that may or may not occur ;-)

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