Friday, April 16, 2010

My quote for this week of my life

"...all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose."

Romans 8:28 KJV

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Peace & Calmness

I'm in love with how calm and peaceful I've been feeling these past couple weeks!

I was REALLY stressed out during Finals, not getting enough sleep etc. Then I went on vacation to the D.R. and found bliss! I never knew it'd last this long. I LOVE it! My WONDERFUL April trip was canceled due to a last minute scheduling conflict so I'm hoping this bliss can last until my May trips. Vacations are TRULY a life savior. They help me get back to the basics and concentrate on the things that are important to me.

Calm vacations are my yoga, and I need one once a month. Yes, I said need. I went two months (Jan & Feb) for the first time in like 4 yrs without even a mini vacay a month and boy was I wound up! My schedule is pretty hectic, so leaving Chicago is the only time I get to not have a million things on my plate to do. I need time where I don't have to worry about the next meeting/appointment/committment. I think we all do. Sometimes we give so much of ourselves to causes, jobs, school, and other commitments, that there isn't much left for us.

If you're not taking me time, whether it's a vacation, hour alone meditating/praying, in town getaway, etc. think about it, imagine what your life and disposition could be like with it...

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Getting My Warm Weather Groove Back

I'm finally coming out of hibernation! =) As we know its cold where I live 60% or more of the year. I like to be warm, hot even is preferable. So, when it gets cold out I stay in the house unless it's someone's birthday or other special occasion. But it's finally warming up! And after 2 trips to warm locations in the past 2 weeks, I'm ready to be out and about!!

Now with this I've been slowly but surely getting out more and more. Well I think I took things a little too far, because I injured/aggravated my back, and I already had a controlled back issue. Yea, it's not so controlled now thanks to me =/ So I had to stop my training sessions at my gym, so I can take weeks of physical therapy in order to prevent back surgery. My surgeon was basically like either you do well in PT or I'll be performing surgery on you this late Spring. Needless to say I told my Physical Therapist to go hard, because I DO NOT want to have any type of surgery on my spine...smh...nosir!

So while that should've slowed me down immensely I've just decided to continue to pop my prescribed meds every morning, carry Ibuprofen, and do everything my therapist tells me to. After all it is warming up, I just have to make sure I'm not out in stilettos all the time and I should be good ;-)