Thursday, September 4, 2008

Athlete v. Non Athlete

Why in the world do most successful young black men, have such a problem with a woman who has dated a professional athlete? It makes no sense to me. Women don't get mad when a guy dates different types of women, so why the reverse hate? I've even heard a guy go so far as to say, "if a chick can like/date an athlete, she can't like/date me". Does this make any sense? Don't the majority of people date someone based on their personality? Does an occupation make the person? No. I'm starting to think a lot of it boils down to high school. A lot of these successful black men were not the BMC in high school and/or undergrad, so they still hold this internal hatred towards the popular jocks. Yea, that's all I've got, because I clearly don't understand.


The Black Kat said...

men apply all kinds of negative stereotypes to athletes... therefore some apply those to females. plus, men seem to equate a woman dating an athlete to a groupie or money hungry female, as well. personally, i could care less about whatever assumption/ conclusion one develops from one dating an athlete. i've dated a couple and if someone wouldn't date me based upon WHO i've dated, um... ----> NEXT! Provided I didn't date Bobby Brown or Flava Flav. i think there's a lot of jealousy/hate in general, so people will always come up w/ a reason to throw negativity into the mix, no matter what your background is or your claim to fame.

anyone who knows you knows what a genuine person you are. you are one of the smartest, most genuine & sincere individuals i've met IN LIFE. your character speaks volumes. so... if someone won't date you based upon an athlete (provided you're talking about yourself) *chuckles to self*... that person would need to get a clue. cause that would TRULY be his loss.

all athletes aren't bad, just like all women who date them don't have alterior motives.

for a man to use that as an excuse to not date someone... it's bananas. it's like saying, i won't date you if you've previously dated a lawyer; as i once lost a court case to one or lost my girl to one. see how much sense that makes? NONE!

the one i used to hear was... she won't date you. she only dates ballers. or... my favorite one that i heard while walking out of a club w/ one (who was/is just a super good friend): "man... you don't have a chance in hell w/ that girl. do you see who she's with? you don't have his type of money, dude. hang up your rap game right now & walk away before you get your feelings hurt." *smh* clearly they had me mixed up w/ someone else, right? indeed!

Suite B said...

This makes no sense to me. I am one that swore I would never date an athelete. I wanted to work in the sports industry and I thought it would hurt my chances for sure. Well I did and it wasn't until 3 months into our "friendship" that he came clean that he was in the NFL.

I remember when we called it quits and the guy I was dating after him found out what my ex did he said that if he would have known that before hand he may not have been able to handle it...WTF. What kind of low self-estem shyt crap is that?

I guess it doesn't matter now...they are both history!