Monday, July 28, 2008

Weekend Me....

Isn't it just great seeing folks you haven't seen in yrs, and being on top of your game when you do? That was my crew this weekend running into some fellow alums. What did they think in 4 yrs we'd all be obese and bald headed??? lolol

How about I almost ran into crazy loco ex this weekend? Whew! Glad I dodged that bullet unknowingly... he was a no show to an event I attended. Good thing is I know his people ran back and reported hahahaha I couldn't have planned it better if I'd tried!

Please people if you're going to marry someone, please love them....smh... I experienced FOOLISHNESS wedding style Saturday. If you have to be high to walk down the aisle, chances are something aint right ;-)

Yea I know it's short, but I have a final Thursday and tons of work to do before then! lol I'll try to blog more later....

Friday, July 25, 2008


So, one thing I don't like....people who act like they can do something for you and they don't come through. Just say from the beginning, I'm not capable of doing X,Y,Z.

So lately I've been experiencing this with promoters. Dude, don't say you have us, then try to play us when we get there? I've been noticing that people will say they can do something they don't have the power to do, or people who do have the power will try to get brand new when it's time to come through. I'm soooo not a fan. If you're someone that I would go out of my way for, I expect you to do a small thing for me. I know it can happen, because others do it with no problems. This especially gets on my nerves when a favor is not asked for, but it is offered. I stopped asking folks a looooonnnnggggg time ago to do certain things for me, because I know if they don't come through I'll be pissed, so I let people volunteer. There are a couple folks that never cease to come through and my friends and I appreciate it, and will bend over backwards to support them in anyway. These other folks? humph! It'll be a minute before I frequent anything else they're doing again.....can you tell a promoter I've known for yrs (before he started promoting, shoot before he started driving) got brand new last night? Guess it's time for a 2 month hiatus from his stuff too...

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

It's been a minute...

So let's see what has happened since my last "my life" update.

Very recently for the first time in over a year, I am in a "I want to be in a relationship" mood. I haven't felt like this since 2006, and I was in one then lol It's weird, the more I think of how much I'm going to have slow down my social life when grad school starts in a month, and I really just want to spend the little free time I will have, with someone I romantically love. Weird isn't it, that last sentence coming out of my mouth (fingers) lol Don't worry I'm still a believer in you're single until you're married, but I do want a special someone, and not the "pretty nice" men I've been spending time with, although I'm not exactly ready to let that all go either lolololol Now for HTO of course, anyone else... ummm yea I haven't met them yet! lol

Speaking of guys so tell me why one of the more "seasoned" guys I date bought a boat. But being who he is, he didn't just buy any old boat he bought a 6 person can sleep below, 15 people on deck at a time boat. I'm like dude why not just get a yacht? lol Clearly you're trying to ball....I really don't get the whole boat thing. If I have enough money to spend on a boat like that, why not just join net jets? Then you can experience the water in other countries. Why don't people think of that???

So my ex...smh.....well not the crazy always on his period one, but the athlete one....things had been going so well for him. He was getting back in his Word, leading a healthy lifestyle, had a new team that I'd LOVE to visit their team city VERY interested in him, and then what happens he tears his quad...smh. I felt so bad for him, but yet I still hoped he'd take it as an opportunity to grow spiritually. I talked to him a week later, and he'd turned to alcohol. Broke my heart, and pissed me off at the same time. After a VERY stern talking to by me he got his act together. It's good sometimes to know a person almost inside and out, so that when it's time to get real with them, you know exactly what to say and what buttons to push to get the point thoroughly across.

I got to see the majority of my closest ladies in June. I went out to NYC for our boy's surprise birthday party, and we got to live it up! We partied, shopped, and slept! lol Good times! :-)
I also got to hang with the BFF when she came to town for the 4th of July, we ate, partied, and shopped... hmmm, seems to be a theme for us lol

My summer class will be over at the end of July, so August will be my last time having fun non stop until break in November, a trip here I come! So what do you all think, Cabo/Nuevo Vallarta/Belize for the November/December getaway? Pick one! :-)

'Til next, Love Ya!

Monday, July 14, 2008


Would you ever be the other woman????

What would the circumstances have to be for you to see yourself being one?