Sunday, May 18, 2008

Hmmmmm, could he be the One?

So every time I meet a guy who's great on paper, I never let myself get too caught up in thinking he's going to be my man, etc. Because too often nowadays folks lie, or they're just not the great even mediocre in real life, and should've just stuck to the myth I'd created of them based on what they were on paper.

So there's this guy...of course we all knew this was coming...he's absolutely positively FABULOUS on paper, but get this brace yourselves.... he's absolutely charming, and very attractive in real life. Too good to be true right? Well, I sure hope not. Yea I said hope, because right now the him in my head, yes the pedestal I have him on, is just that in my head. I know he's a great guy as we have interacted numerous times in "real" life. But, seeing as how he has no clue, well I think no clue, that I even like him let alone think he could be my perfect soul mate, I have no idea how he'd be in a romantic setting. All I know is he has every quality I want in my mate...

Christian who is spiritual and knows his Bible

A cool cute charismatic nerd

Highly intelligent (I will not have dumb kids, and my wonderful chromosones just account for 50% of what they get)

Someone that can hang with the bourgies, but can also hang in the hood, and fit well in both settings...

So because he's so awesome I'm trying to play everything by the book! I need him to approach me first...I need a man who can lead! I can be a bit much so I need to know he's a take charge sort of guy. I just really think he's perfect for me........Now to only have him see I'm perfect for him.......... yea.......that part is pretty major.....

We all just want a "Last First Kiss" by Tamia, right?


The Black Kat said...

Sooo yaaay! I'm first! Glad to see you made the move. Although if I know you... you're probably still on both sites! =o)

Um... I'm not gonna give my token "He's the one" speech, as... you already know who my favorite for you was and... he let me down. Grrrr... But, this new cat (well new to the like genre) sounds like a catch. Although... sis, you'll need to throw a subtle hint or two to get him to catch on (albeit a bit suddenly). Email me a pic, tho. You know I always have to have a face to go with the "nickname". =o)

Lol @ he needs to be intelligent. I KNOW that's right, though. You don't make bad choices tho, sis, so I'm sure you're good. Can't wait to see how this unfolds.

A sassy bit of sunshine said...

Yea, I need to throw hints, VERY subtle hints though. I don't want to takeover his role as pursuer..... ;-) You know me and my traditional gender roles.

I'm going to email you a pic...

Barbie* said...

Overall, I have to admit you attract a lot of outstanding men compared to the average woman I know. You need to right a book educating some of these women how to get a date lol

Why do you think he is oblivious of your interest in him?

While you're at it, explain the obliviousness & soul mate dynamic because I've felt similarly but I just assume its wishful thinking *sigh*

A sassy bit of sunshine said...

lol thanks!

Mainly, because I haven't said anything or acted in a way to let him know non verbally that I like him. I want to have this one play out perfectly, so he has to think it's all his idea but that I'd be open to it ;-)

Luckily for me I know him pretty well. He's best friends with one of my big brothers. So through the years i've gotten to know a lot about his personality, through him and through hearing about him... that's the only reason i can be pretty certain we'd be magical lol ;-)

Jeff Beckham Jr. said...

Go get him... But let him make the move.. cause a MAN that findeth a wife find a good thing and favor.. SO BE STRATEGIC and if he sees you for the wonderful woman you are.. he'll snatch you up!..