Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Life Plan

Do you ever wonder if you're doing what you're supposed to be doing? Are the steps/actions you're making and taking now the correct ones for you to maximize your experiences in life?

Every year I think about my life plan, and I evaluate whether or not it's what God wants for me, I'm still on the right path, there's been a stumbling block, and I can tweek it to make it better.

Right now I'm in a new stage of life. Everyday I have the opportunity to only do the things I choose to do. I have no one telling me what I have to do, or when I have to do it. I take time every day to do something that I feel passionate about. For those that know me, I'm passionate about a lot ;-) So as you can imagine I'm more busy now than I was working a full time job, a part time job, and going to school!

I'm going to try and write once a week at least about my new "passionate project". There will be some projects that are ongoing because of course Rome wasn't built in a day! ;-) Can wait to hear you all's input!

- Ms. Sassy

Thursday, April 23, 2009

God is Pro-Life?

I was recently in my car and I saw a bumper sticker that said "God is ProLife". Of course this was a bumper sticker about abortion. The slogan got me to God really Pro-Life or is He Pro-Choice?

I sat their pondering this for about 5 mins (yea I was in traffic), and I came to the conclusion that God is Pro-Choice. He hopes we make the right decision that fits into his plan for Christian living, but God let's us choose the paths we will take. It's kind of like the reason we aren't perfect. God gives us free will. So, if he gives us free will in every other aspect of our lives why would he not let us make choices in regards to abortion?

What do you all think?

Monday, March 2, 2009

Uh oh.....clocks are ticking

So in the past 2 weeks I have had 6 conversations with 6 different women about their unease with not being engaged or married. Only one of them is over 30. What in the world is going on? Since when do people in their mid 20s start exasperating about marriage? I've heard of wanting a baby at this age but wow. They aren't even worried about kids that much. It's all about that lifelong partner.

Female #1 - Everywhere I go I see women my age with rings. It depresses me.
Me - How do you know they're your age?

Female #2 - OMGosh if I don't meet my husband this year it's all downhill.
Me - Ummm will you be 30 next yr?
Female #2 - No.

Female #3 - I feel like all my friends are getting married =(
Me - Am I your friend? Am I getting married? Am I worried about it?

Female #4 - OMGosh I'm never going to be married, no one will want me.
Me - Ummm aren't you extremely attractive, don't you have no kids, you have multiple degrees, extremely loving, and you're not crazy? What makes you think this?

This is the kind of stuff I'm hearing... is it the weather? Has winter gone on for too long? What gives?

Monday, January 5, 2009

To move or not to move... that is the question.